About Me
Hello! My name is Clive Hathaway Travis and I am referred to as a so called "paranoid schizophrenic". What does that mean? In the past this meant I had to take a drug otherwise I soon found myself in hospital. Why is a very expensive question and I no longer believe this needs to be the case (not just for me) and the evidence is on this site. Almost without exception I have emerged dangerously depressed. As you can imagine there is a bit more to it though. Hence I have written a book: Looking for Prince Charles's Dog. I hope you are now suitably intrigued. This website is partially intended to promote my book, which was published by Wymer on October 7th 2013, price £20.00 plus P&P. All my royalties are going to 13 charities I chose to tie in with the story, and thanks to the generosity of Wymer, where bought directly from me (please order in shop below), the royalty rate is higher, £11.01 in fact, and you can ask there for a signed copy. The book is also available from Amazon and Waterstones but the charities get less there and nothing in fact on 2nd hand copies. Amount raised 21/12/19 £4024.40 Please note: I own 90% of any film/tv/radio royalties that might accrue from the book and I have assigned these to the charities.